2-1-1 Live Chat

Live Chat Privacy Disclaimer


United Way's 2-1-1 chat service is intended to provide information about and referrals to local services and programs in Kent County.

Providing Your Information

During your chat session, you’ll provide us demographic information such as email address, zip code, and age. United Way's 2-1-1 is committed to your privacy and agrees to keep your information confidential. If you choose to share additional personal information with us, it’ll be used for internal purposes allowing us to better serve you. We never sell, rent, or exchange any of our clients' information. Any information you provide will be disclosed in accordance with applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations. A transcript of your chat session between you and our referral Information and Referral Specialist is recorded and stored for quality assurance and training purposes. We’ll ask you to provide your email address so that we can send you a copy of the chat session for your records.

Chat Session Agreement

With any online service, there’s some level of risk when communicating through the internet. By reading and agreeing with this Privacy Disclaimer and engaging in one of our chat sessions, you give permission to United Way's 2-1-1 to provide you some assistance today and to use the information you provide us for further reporting purposes. Furthermore, you understand that United Way's 2-1-1 will undertake all efforts to protect your information, but it isn’t responsible for any information that you may enter during the chat session.

Do you agree with the information stated above?