help make a life-changing difference for our neighbors just like Alice.


we need a movement to change these outcomes—we need your support today!


It’s no secret that people experiencing poverty struggle to meet their basic needs. But so do many families with incomes above the federal poverty level. In fact, 1 in 4 Kent County households fall below the ALICE threshold.


where does the money go?


When you give to United Way, we mobilize your dollars to create lasting, equitable change right in your community—not simply treating the symptoms of poverty, but fighting the root causes. For more than a century, Heart of West Michigan United Way has been a community convener by addressing immediate needs, carefully researching the long-term issues, and then bringing the appropriate resources together to create measurable, transparent solutions.

Our Community Grant Fund invests in programs that align with our mission to reduce poverty in Kent County and our vision to create a thriving community for all. View Our Annual Report

ALICE households aren’t just in urban areas—they’re located ALL OVER KENT COUNTY

In Kent County:

  • The COVID-19 pandemic brought employment shifts, health struggles, and school/business closures in 2021, it also spurred unprecedented public assistance through pandemic relief measures. In 2021, ALICE households decreased by 2% overall, while households in poverty have stayed relatively flat from 2007–21.

  • Not surprisingly, many families with children live below the ALICE threshold. Families with married parents are nearly 7x less likely to be ALICE than single-female households (with children).

  • While the largest demographic groups tend to have the largest ALICE population by number, when looking at the percentage of each group it is clear that some groups are more likely to be ALICE than others.

    62% of Black Households

    44% of Hispanic households

    29% of White households

  • $20.44 per hour only accounts for the bare minimum needed to survive: housing, childcare, food, transportation, healthcare, technology, and taxes.

Statistics source: Updated April 2023.

a community’s success directly relates to its members’ financial stability.